Thank you Darrell for your insight and council into these episodes that seemly occur with greater frequency. There is value and agency in bringing greater awareness on the progression of this public health crisis.

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Is there any hard data on these kinds of programs? Or examples of foreign countries that have widely adopted this model? If this hasn't been shown to work in Europe or Japan or Korea, for example, then I'm much more skeptical of the odds of success.

But I'm skeptical anyway, because following the links it seems like the programs are haphazardly funded and staffed and not setup with any accountability or measurements and are relying on police a large percentage of the time in their current operations anyway.

I'd also like to see data on how often the current approach (call the police) goes badly for the troubled individual. That has to be weighed against the % of time that the new crisis teams fail to compel the troubled individual to change their behavior in whatever way they need to vs how often they are successful in some way. Any approach, whether it's the police or a crisis team, is going to have failures when dealing with mentally sick people experiencing a crisis in public. There's no magic bullet.

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In the previous piece its explained that those countries have better social safety nets so unsheltered illnesses and homelessness isnt remotely as rampant and thus absent adapting their level of national support the comparisons would be bunk

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