I love the use of Peter Pan syndrome to describe NIMBYs! I'd occasionally call them conservatives to hammer a point home: it angers most folks in the Bay Area to be called one, and wanting to keep things as they currently are is a definition of small-c conservatism. But a syndrome really captures the derangement of thinking that things *can* stay the way they are in this world.

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Thank you. I believe you have one typo: "..you’re paying nothing in property taxes for and under Prop 19 you can transfer anywhere..." - should be Prop 13, yes?

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Ah, no so Proposition 19 is the new state law that stipulates you can transfer you Prop 13 savings to other homes after you move! https://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_19,_Property_Tax_Transfers,_Exemptions,_and_Revenue_for_Wildfire_Agencies_and_Counties_Amendment_(2020)

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OMG, what have we done...

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I feel like this has upped the level to which you've been radicalized by the naked raw entitlement these people who are blocking students show. They barely say the quiet part out loud anymore. The time is now not to coddle them, but to defeat them, in court, in public opinion, and in the press.

Embarrass them. Make them famous. Time to end this madness.

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